Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Carter Collection Part 0: Prelude To Vinyls

Alright guys I'm going to level with you here. Currently, I don't own a vinyl or record player and this is because I was going to get one but my grandma got sick and I didn't want to take it off of her and blah blah all of that boring shit. Plus that thing is ancient as all hell. So, I figure since I talk bits and pieces to you guys and my friends about my music reviews, I figure what the heck why not talk about my vinyl collection. As it progresses through my life and time (damn Jay-Z reference). Anyway..(Don't you hate when people say anywho?) Any fucking way, what I'm going to do is try to pick a main day and each week I'll talk about one record/vinyl I have until I run out. I'll talk about the cover art, inlay, genre(s), feels it gives me and what it means to me. Ummm most of these have been purchased by my wonderful girlfriend who most of you know already. And along with talking about the album I'll have pictures of the Front, Inside and Back so it will be an all out review. I'm writing this at 3am on Tuesday, you guys will read it 1pm Johnny's time and it'll be really neat. I have 6 records here so you can look forward to 1 record a week and I hope by the end of week 6 I'll have a new record and you won't even remember I wrote that line. If not, then I'm kind of screwed. Hopefully, we don't pack the site full of our shenanigans. Wow this is like my most focused post yet. It's almost like every job test I took said I should consider being a journalist...oh wait...FUCK.

So yeah, tl;dr 6 of my favorite album/LP/vinyls I own will be reviewed each week. I hope you like it; no fancy shenanigans, no Carter(isms), no fancy edited tricks and just from the heart...ok there may be some Carter(isms) and editing tricks...but no filter on the pictures, learn to love my freaky bed sheets.

Vertrell Carter...The Carter Collection...Dig it!

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