Alright, I'll bite. When it comes to sex, I'm a marathon runner, not a sprinter, so.....
>Be 18 (25) now, started dating my now wife
>Per usual, apartment is hot with the tension of love
>End up in the bedroom
>Let the games begin
>We're at it for about a half hour
>She starts getting a little dry
>Have no fear, lube is here!
>Lube is on end table
>Don't want to withdraw
>Lean over to reach for it
>Arm stretching to maximum capacity
>Lean forward a little
>Supporting arm gives out
>Fall face first into the corner of the endtable
>Punches a hole in my forehead
>Wake up 5 or so minutes later to her misting my face with a misting bottle we used to get our cats off our houseplants
>Laughing her ass off
>MFW I washed the blood off my face, put on a Power Rangers bandaid and went back to poundtown.
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