Monday, December 24, 2012

I'm Still Gay

(2:46:52 PM) vertrellcarter: >newage logged in for 2 days
(2:51:48 PM) boo bahh: Carter not doin butt things. Amateur.
(2:54:43 PM) vertrellcarter: newage responding within the same day, let alone mintues after getting the message>must be hacked>you arent newage
(2:56:10 PM) boo bahh: Carter still not doing butt things. Wyd
(2:57:08 PM) vertrellcarter: Carter still doing butt things. ftfy faggot
(2:57:57 PM) boo bahh: In other news you know what I hate?
(2:58:04 PM) vertrellcarter: jews?
(2:58:20 PM) vertrellcarter: the blacks?
(2:58:46 PM) boo bahh: Nope when people just make up and use random acronyms
(2:58:59 PM) boo bahh: Just like oh newage hektupsnavflebxi
(2:59:04 PM) vertrellcarter: yup
(2:59:12 PM) vertrellcarter: only one im ok with is lol
(2:59:58 PM) vertrellcarter: idk>no>lmao>no>ftfy>no>wyd>no>lmfao>no>just lol
(3:01:03 PM) boo bahh: For me lol and omw (on my way) cause usually when you are on your way you are running and don't have time to sit there and text.
(3:01:33 PM) vertrellcarter: idk...i dont like but its acceptable>lmao>no because lol covers how much you laugh, theres no need to further that via keyboard>ftfy>how often do people even say "fixed that for you?">lmfao see previous
(3:02:24 PM) vertrellcarter: missed one...autism starting early....wyd>what you doing>sup>3 letters>less stupid>just as "hip"

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